Ease your mind

Write emails ahead of time to be delivered to your loved ones or people you trust in case something happens to you.

Just in Case Message

Ease your mind

Write emails ahead of time to be delivered to your loved ones or people you trust in case something happens to you.

Just in Case Message

Ease your mind

Write emails ahead of time to be delivered to your loved ones or people you trust in case something happens to you.

Just in Case Message

Emergency plan for family - Be prepared ahead of time.

Write email messages to be delivered to your loved ones or people you trust in situations where direct communication is no longer possible.

Write your messages ahead of time, share important information, assign your trustees, and we’ll deliver them for you if ever needed. 

Emergency preparedness is essential for ensuring your loved ones receive your messages and instructions when they need them the most.


Plan for the worst before it

The future is uncertain for individuals of any age, and a serious accident or sudden illness can strike at any time.

Emergency preparedness and having an emergency plan for family allow you to plan effectively, providing necessary guidance for your loved ones and people you trust in the event the unthinkable happens.

Proper planning and emergency preparedness ensure your messages reach loved ones, no matter what. Make sure to include an emergency plan for family in your preparations to cover all bases.

Why use "Just in Case Message"

Instruct your loved ones or people you trust on what to do if something happens to you.

Take all necessary precautions to protect yourself and your family in the event of an emergency.

Share a secret at the right time; some things can only be told under the right circumstances.

How it Works

1. Create a Free Account

Register for your free account.
Time to get organized and start your planning.

2. Add your Trustees

Add the people who will receive your messages: your loved ones or people you trust.

3. Write your Messages

Write your just-in-case email messages that contain information and instructions to share with your trustees.

4. Share Important Info

Organize your personal data in “information cards” and choose what to share with your trustees.

5. Check-in Regularly

Receive check-in emails
as an indicator that everything Is OK. We’ll check-in as many times as you want or you can pause at any time.

6. Messages Get Sent

If you fail to check-in OK,
we’ll send your messages
to your trustees and share
your information cards as requested.


Secure Data Storage

All your data, including files you upload, are stored using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256-bit encryption. We encrypt every personal data field in our databases and we host our system in a secure hosting environment.

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Secure Data Transmission

All data communications are encrypted via HTTPS using an SSL certificate. HTTPS (Hypertext transfer protocol secure) is encrypted in order to increase security of data transfer.

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Personalized Security

We use Personalized Security Quizzes, a unique feature of our system. This feature allows you to build quizzes using personal questions that ONLY specific individuals can solve, such as your trustees. Passwords can be hacked, but personal memories not.

Our innovative system keeps your details safe and makes access intuitive for your trustees, offering peace of mind without compromising security.

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How it's Different


End-of-Life vs. Disaster Planning

Current online services are about end-of-life planning. “Just in Case Message” helps you in situations where direct communication is no longer possible for a while.

This is a crucial part of emergency preparedness, ensuring that your emergency plan for family covers not just end-of-life scenarios but also unexpected disasters.



“Just in Case Message” is the only solution that doesn’t require you to share your personal data with others until it is totally necessary. Nobody has access to your data until your trustees receive your messages.

This approach is vital for maintaining security while implementing an emergency plan for family as part of your overall emergency preparedness strategy.


Personalized Security

“Just in Case Message” uses personalized security to ensure that ONLY your trustees can access your personal data. Trustees do not have to create an account or remember login credentials. All they have to do is verify themselves by passing a personalized quiz you’ve created for them.

This personalized security is an integral part of emergency preparedness, ensuring that your emergency plan for family is both secure and accessible when needed.

What People Are Saying


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