About Us

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Our Story: The Heart Behind Just in Case Message

Life is full of unexpected moments—some filled with joy, and others with challenges. As a father who travels extensively for business, the unpredictability of life hit home for me. My children are my world, and the thought of not being there to guide, protect, or offer advice when they need it most was unsettling. More so, the practicalities of ensuring they would have access to essential information like bank accounts, investment details, and personal documents in case I couldn’t communicate weighed heavily on me due to unexpected occurrences.

This concern sparked a question: How can I ensure my children have everything they need to navigate life’s uncertainties, especially when I’m not able to be there physically or if I’m temporarily incapacitated? The answer wasn’t straightforward, and existing solutions didn’t offer the security, privacy, and control I was looking for. Advance care planning became a crucial part of addressing these concerns.

The Birth of Just in Case Message

Driven by this need, I envisioned a platform where anyone could prepare messages or share crucial information, to be delivered only if specific conditions were met. A system that operates on trust, but with safeguards to ensure information is shared responsibly and only when necessary. From this vision, Just in Case Message was born—a service designed to bridge gaps, preserve connections, and provide peace of mind in an unpredictable world marked by unexpected occurrences.

Our platform is more than just a messaging service; it’s a promise to your loved ones that you’ve thought of them, prepared for their needs, and ensured they’re never left in the dark, no matter what life throws your way. It’s a tool for those who, like me, want to make sure their absence, temporary or not, doesn’t leave their loved ones stranded without guidance or access to vital information. This is where advance care planning plays a pivotal role in our service.

At Just in Case Message, we’re committed to turning concern into preparedness, ensuring that your messages, instructions, and love reach those who need them, exactly when they need them the most. It’s our way of helping you prepare for the unpredictable, providing a beacon of guidance and reassurance for your loved ones, come what may. Through our service, we help you manage unexpected occurrences with thoughtful advance care planning, offering peace of mind for you and your family.

Our Company

Just in Case Message is built and supported by Logismico, a Software Development and IT Consulting firm

Established in 2010, we built secured software solutions for various NYC government departments and large corporations such as Vanguard Direct, Macy’s, PepsiCo, Crest Group,  Intrado, Dom & Tom, etc.

Our other product TeamTracky, a sports team management platform, has been helping team managers, coaches, club officials, players, and parents save time and communicate better since 2015.
